Start of the 3rd row
Over the weekend, I finished my 12th full page! That's almost 2 whole rows, except for a little bit at the end, maybe about 3 columns worth. I'm saving that for when I get lazy, as it's in quite nice big chunks and should be finished really easily. So, I've begun on the 3rd row of my design.
We've been really lax about updating our blog lately, I blame it on Eel's recent holiday, and the fact that MSN seems to be buggy, with either one of us not getting each other's messages. I think I haven't spoken her to over a week, perhaps with one intermittent hello message getting through! Well, hopefully we'll get more up to speed with our HAED, I haven't been doing too much lately because I've had some flu virus thingy over a few days.
Let's other news, I'm planning to watch a couple of movies this week. One of the shopping malls is launching their new cinema, and to celebrate, there are free movies the whole weekend. They're not new shows, but shows I haven't watched before. Some of them are shows I might not even have watched, if they weren't free.
Anyway, the two I'm planning to watch are Race to Witch Mountain and Ip Man.
Race to Witch Mountain is the one I'm watching just 'cos it's free. It looks OK, but nothing spectacular. Ip Man looks pretty cool, it's about Ip Man, who was the martial arts master of Bruce Lee and the first to teach the Chinese martial art of Wing Chun openly. It was nominated for 12 Hong Kong Film Awards, winning awards for Best Picture and Best Action Choreography, and lots of people who've watched it said it was excellent, so I can't wait! I just hope the movie lives up to my expectations. :)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
sAe's HAED
Prize Money Contributions
sAe's Contributions: RM$1681.51 (USD 494.56) (updated Apr)
Total Contributions: USD$816.12
(As of October 2009)
Competition Rules
Competition Ends: Chinese New Year 2013
Goal: Complete a HAED design by the time allotted.
Designs chosen are to be of approximately the same sizes. Contestants are free to change their design half way, however it must also be of the similar size to the original design chosen.
Each month, each contestant will deposit USD$20 into a separate bank account.
Every fortnight, each contestant has to update this blog with updated progress pictures.
Prize Money:
If only one contestant completes her design by the deadline, she gets the total amount of money saved by both contestants.
If neither designs are complete, the entire sum of money is to be donated to a charity that is agreed upon by both contestants.
If both complete it on time, the money is divided in the following manner:
60% of the total goes to the contestant who completes* her design first within the deadline.
40% of the total goes to the contestant who completes* her design last within the deadline.
* For EeL, completion means full completion. For Sae, completion for the 60% winner total is 210,400 stitches, with the remainder stitches to be completed by the deadline.
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